[review] 20$ U9 smartwatch
Smartwatches are usually expensive gadgets. Here is a very inexpensive one, let’s see what it could do for you. This smartwatch have been courtesy provided by Gearbest in order to make a fair and not…
Smartwatches are usually expensive gadgets. Here is a very inexpensive one, let’s see what it could do for you. This smartwatch have been courtesy provided by Gearbest in order to make a fair and not…
Lemaker, well known for making the BananaPi and BananaPro boards, have now 3 more boards, named after musical instruments : Guitar, Bass, Piano. In this article, I’m reviewing the Guitar board Lemaker kindly sent to…
Here is a display module for Raspberry Pi and boards with a RPi compatible GPIO header (Banana Pi, BPro…). It features a 3.2″ inches RGB TFT with 320×240 resolution, a resistive touchpanel and 3 GPIO…
Here is a nice little screen sold by Sainsmart, not only compatible with Raspberry-like boards, but with every HDMI-enabled device. It could be powered via a 5v mini-USB cable and doesn’t need an external power…
While we are waiting for the Raspberry Pi Foundation to release its DSI display, some companies are faster. One of these companies is 4D-Systems. 4D-systems are specialized in small displays modules, ranging from 1.38″ autonomous…
In the Bananas technological tree, there is a very special one : the BPI-R1 Open Router. This board is built and sold by SinoVoip, a chinese hardware manufacturer but the board shows « Lamobo » branding. The…
The AXP209 chip present on the Banana Pi is managing the board powering. The free pads just behind the power micro-USB allows for a 3.7v li-po / li-ion battery to be installed. So we need…
I really like small displays. They allow to build some very nice embedded devices. Lemaker released a line of LCD displays for their Banana Pi Board. They come in 3.5″, 5.0″ and 7.0″ sizes. 5.0″…
In a world where digital privacy doesn’t exist anymore, where journalists couldn’t securely do their work, where companies are spyed upon by various entities, and where Human Rights are cynically disregarded, there is an urgent…
Lemaker team and the growing community are doing a great job documenting and providing Banana Pi sources.
Things go really fast around the Banana Pi board. Lemaker team released the Raspbian_for_BananaPi_V3 image, and it is a very nice step in the good direction. Some additional documentation is also available, and hacking with…
It is the first TEDx talk of the founder of Free Software movement. Stallman, RMS for short, has changed the world with his vision of freedom for the digital age. He launched the GNU operating…
After the Raspberry vs Banana duel article, some people requested some power consumption and SATA performance tests, so here they are. You may have notice, our bench has a newcomer : the A10-OLinuXino-Lime. This is…
I took the time to play with the Banana Pi board, and made some benchmarks against the Raspberry Pi. Here are the specs of the two (three) board, performance related : Raspberry Pi [model A]…
In the previous article, I unboxed the Banana Pi. It’s time to power it on. Let’s start with downloading the official Banana Pi image : link I will start with the RaspberryPi_For_BananaPi_v1.0 image. Later, I…
LeMakers.org people were kind enough to send me a sample of their Banana Pi board. It arrived today in my mailbox, so let’s have a first look at it… The packaging is standard nowadays. My…
Some people requested it, so here it is… We want to use a 4×20 caracters Arduino LCD on the Raspberry Pi. We will use the I²C protocol and a small python class to access the…
We are going to learn how to program an Atmel chip, using only an Arduino and the ISP programming method. This method works (to my knowledge) with every Atmel chip and every Arduino board, as…
M.A.R.V.I.N. présentation at Make Robot Hacks Finale:
This afternoon, while searching for old books in my children bedroom, I came across some gems under the bed, including: A complete and perfectly preserved original box, of the Frontier: Elite 2 PC game. (I’ve…